Coming up next weekend,
Jeff Soto (
interviewed) will be returning to
Jonathan LeVine Gallery for his fifth solo with the New York showspace. The new exhibition is kind of a nostalgic look back at the imagery that the Southern California-based artist has been sharing with his fans throughout his career - iconic characters like yetis, reapers, robots, walkers, and the Sotofish. Soto further states -
“I always feel like an artist’s entire body of work should be fair game to use. My cast of characters and the worlds I create are The Sotofish Society.”
Take a look at some studio shots below as he was preparing for the show as well as some preview images.
The Sotofish Society will include new acrylic works on paper and wood as well as a series of watercolors and limited edition relief prints. It opens on September 10th for those in the area and those interested in attending...
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