This week's Rewind summary is lead off with a closer look at Tauba Auerbach's new Mesh / Moire print set (recently released). The footage takes us into Paulson Bott Press as viewers get a closer look at the process. Other notable recent videos below...
- Pundits weigh in on George Lucas' museum.
- The making of EMEK's George Clinton poster.
- M-City paints a F1 racecar (via Vandalog).
- Vernissage TV looks at Art Beijing.
- Vernissage TV looks at the Tracey Emin show at Lehmann Maupin Gallery in New York.
- Hypbeast Pen & Paper feature visits Nychos.
- Kenny Scharf - "Kolors" at Paul Kasmin Gallery (via Los Angeles, I'm Yours).
- Eine - Extortionists x Protagonists.
- Animal talks to JR about his Times Square project.
- VNA x Soulful Creative Ad.
- Bob Dob new screenprint & interview.
- Sten Lex in Shanghai.