This week's Rewind's top video focuses on Anish Kapoor and his current show in Berlin at Martin-Gropius-Bau. Along with footage of his first comprehensive showing in the city, an insightful interview with the artist is included. Some other videos worth of attention include:
- Voina Wanted banner hung off London Tower Bridge.
- Leo Villareal releasing an edition of his The Bay Lights piece.
- Ai Weiwei cuts hair during dinner.
- Taylor Mead's final fifteen minutes.
- Reactions from actual neighbors from Arne Svenson's photographs.
- Benedikt Taschen talks with Sebastião Salgado about GENESIS.
- The London Police prepared for their current show using some child labor.
- Jo Peel - "Pipe Dreams" - a street mural animation.
- Travis Millard x The Hundreds collaboration.
- Cheeming Boey's styrofoam cup art (My Modern Met).
- Hanksy featured on I Am Other.