- Museum identifies newly discovered Van Gogh painting previously found in attic in Amsterdam.
- RIP: Gerald Buck, who turns out to have a huge collection of art by California artists.
- RIP: Jack Beal, who died at the age of 82 of kidney failure.
- Shanghai authorities demolish Yuan Gong's Art Garage compound.
- Painting thought to be by Peter Doig is actually a genuine Peter Doige work and is worth a little less.
- Journalist may have had too much drink, destroys Luciano Fabro piece, knocking it over at Grace Uno gallery.
- Russian court bans Pussy Riot's Christian orthodox icon parody and orders it removed from Russia's internet.
Russia carries out raids delving into alleged embezzlement of $1.5mil of state funding for refit of Hermitage.
Lowe Art Museum returns 3 ancient basalt stone sculptures that were previously stolen back to Mexico.
- Nineteen people arrested in connection with thefts of items from museums and auction houses in England.
- Ringleader in Dutch museum theft of paintings won't surrender artworks unless trial moved to Netherlands.
- Germany refuses to allow works by Grosz in national heritage list to leave the country for London show.
- Story about how Charles Lisanby turned down Andy Warhol's offer of a Marilyn portrait as a gift.
- Ralph E. Lerner accused of fraudulently taking funds from Cy Twombly Foundation.
- Ann Freedman files defamation lawsuit against Marco Grassi over comment published in magazine article.
- Sarah Lucas criticizes the work of Tracey Emin.
- Fake tickets to The Lourve coming out of China.
- Steven Cohen held by French police after performance near Eiffel Tower (penis tied to a rooster by ribbon).
- U.S. scholars seek mention of lost Little Syria community that was displaced by 9/11 museum.
- Artists plaster Berlin Wall murals with paper as protest against threat to historic site caused by gentrification.
- Sting to play at LACMA Art + Film gala honoring Martin Scorsese and David Hockney.
- k.d. lang to play Hammer Museum gala honoring Robert Gober and Tony Kushner.
- Italian Futurism show is coming to the Guggenheim.
Musee d'Orsay to have Masculin/Masculin show featuring male nudes.
- Roberta Smith writes about the DIA situation and potential sale of artwork from the collection.
- Blum & Poe expanding to Tokyo and New York.
Laurie Simmons and Lena Dunham to be honored at Brooklyn Museum Women in the Arts fundraiser.
- Anoush Abrar, Dorothee Deiss, Giles Price, & Spencer Murphy on Taylor Wessing Photo. Portrait Prize shortlist.
- Jan Krugier's collection of Picasso works to sell for at least $170mil. at Christie's.
Charles Saatchi to sell his collection of Middle Eastern contemporary art online at Auction Room.
- Growing number of wealthy Nigerians considering their country's artwork as investments.
- Matthew Day Jackson opens his own gallery, called Bunker259.
- Taymour Grahne is opening his own gallery, which will focus on Middle Eastern and North African works.
- Vern Blosum to get a show at Essex Street Gallery and will reveal true identity when the time is right.
- Francesco Vezzoli uproots an entire church and will move it from Italy to New York this fall.
- Oscar Murillo to be represented now by David Zwirner Gallery.
- NY Times takes a look at Lucien Smith and provides an update on his current and future projects.
- R. H. Quaytman interviews Amy Sillman.
- Carl Gunhouse interviews Calvin Lee.
- What it is like to be an extra in a Matthew Barney film.
- WSJ reports on Raymond Pettibon preparing for his show at David Zwirner Gallery.
- Hiroshi Sugimoto's fossil collection and upcoming show.
- Kid Robot founder Paul Budnitz to host a class on how to create a great designer toy on Skillshare.
- Jackie Chan claims to not know who Ai Weiwei is, causing anger in the artist and activist.
- Poster Child Prints release two new Neckface limited edition prints.
Tokidoki collaborates with Peggy Guggenheim Collection to produce a limited edition vinyl sculpture.
Overtime: Sept 9 – Sept 15