Austrian street artist and a member of the
The Weird Crew from Europe,
Nychos, recently spent a few weeks in San Francisco. His temporary residency consisted of working on his solo show at
Fifty24SF, painting several murals around the city, and even doing some free tattoo sessions. His exhibition,
Street Anatomy, had a busy opening night last Friday, and right after that he moved his tools and started working on this gigantic mural in downtown Oakland. Covering a massive concrete wall, the heavy metal loving graffiti artist created this fantastic dissection of an Easter Bunny. Fitting his
style with "distinct anatomical explosions as subject matter
," Nychos showed the true meaning of the Rabbit Eye Movement with his largest mural to date, and his third one for this visit to the Bay Area. His show is currently on view at the gallery, so make sure you check out his wicked dissections of animals, cartoon characters and pop icons of our time.
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