Legendary street artist Space Invader is back in Tokyo where he is preparing for the Japanese premiere of his ART4SPACE movie (covered), in collaboration with Target Gallery. This 45 minute movie shows the making of one of his most elaborate and unique projects - sending up one of his tiled pieces into space. Already released in London, Paris, in New York, Japanese fans will have a chance to see it as well on Saturday, 17th of May. Four free admission screenings (18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30) are planned at Uplink X theater, where books from the French artist will be available with signing session planned as well.
Along with setting up the premiere, Invader is spending his nights and early mornings putting up new works around Tokyo. Featuring many familiar characters from Japan's rich pop culture and tradition, such as Astroboy, Doraemon, Manekineko, Grendizer, these mosaics add to his ongoing count of pieces placed and archived around the city and the world. With the current number reaching over 100 in the Japanese capital alone, the Paris-based artist is successfully continuing to invade the planet with his pixelated works.
Discuss Invader here.