Another artist that was invited to Djerba in Tunisia for the
Djerbahood Project organized by
Galerie Itinerrance was Brazilian artist
Herbert Baglione. The streets of the picturesque village of Erriadh felt like a perfect setting for his ongoing
1000 Shadows project, so the artist painted several new pieces around the town.
Like many other artists participating in the project, Baglione involved existing architectural elements into his work, but he pushed that concept even further. Using random objects, such a common clay vases that can be found in the area, he definitely created some of his most haunting silhouettes from this series of work. Using primary, bright colors that are in strong contrast with the surroundings, his shadows pop out of walls and floors and then disappear in cracks, pots, behind doors or windows. By painting on piles of rocks, or old pots scattered around, he made his installations feel even more fragile and therefore more noticeable, while fully embracing the power and opportunity of creating art in public space.
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