Working on a slightly smaller section of the same wall as Doze Green (more on this later), Akut from Herakut, finished his large piece after 3-4 long days of work. Usually working as a part of duo, German-based artist had to find a way to paint this large piece by himself. This situation also inspired him to create an image of a wrestling toy man, feeding a small baby through a bottle completed with the text "my real challenges were outside of the ring."
This emotive piece refers to the big and important challenges that everyone goes through in their everyday lives, besides their professional accomplishments. The artist first created a background made of recognizable lettering that is very similar to Brazilian pixadores tags, and then painted the main image over that. Mixing the raw and almost expressive, rough parts with more detailed, almost photorealistic sections, Akut created a striking piece that many can relate to due to its message.
Photo credit: @arrestedmotion_sal.
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