![NW 29]()
Ahead of his upcoming solo show
Entrophy at
Above Second Gallery in Hong Kong, we popped by the studio of Bristol-based
Nick Walker (
. For this new exhibition, the British street artist has been exploring new ideas and broadening the scope of his signature Gentleman Vandal series to more abstract imagery and new techniques playing with metal and sculpture.
"A new element I am exploring with this show is ‘Numbers’ which I call the Smoke series. Originally I was inspired by Jasper Johns some time back and began to implement numbers into my paintings as background or fragmented, but now I am focusing solely on the numbers themselves.” Having visited Hong Kong in December to gather inspiration and collect photos some new pieces featuring the Hong Kong busy urban landscape, Nick Walker mentions “It [has] an abundance of old signage and history, and also a very gritty edge which is something I love to portray in my street scenes.”
Photo credit:
Butterfly .
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