Project 256 is a unique non-commercial campaign that launched several days ago in Paris. By combining street art and digital technology, the innovative project aims to ease some of the suffering of people that call those same streets their home.
The concept of this campaign is based on creating a portrait of a homeless person in the public space. The artist then adds a unique QR code next to the work, which leads to a video of an interview with the homeless person as well as enables anyone to send a direct Bitcoin donation. These donations can be used for food, shelter or bigger purchases, all by using an old recycled mobile device that is donated to the homeless person. You can find a more detailed info about this breakthrough project on the Project 256 official website where they just revealed their first piece created by Herakut in Paris. Using their distinctive expressive style, Hera and Akut painted a portrait of Karim, who then shared his story with the world in hopes of getting some support through this project.
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