Only 10 days ahead of his big London debut,
Pejac released another fresh intervention created recently on the streets of British capital. As a response to Brexit and it's causes and consequences, the Spanish artist came up with yet another fresh concept to comment on the sensitive sociopolitical issue.
Borrowing a title from the iconic British band
Don't Look Back in Anger is a recreation of
Van Gogh’s Starry Night scratched with car keys on a hood of a black Jaguar. Mixing vandalism and fine art while using such a strong British icon as his canvas, he is cleverly playing with the title of the work, while expressing his own anger about the situation. Aware that passion leads to destruction, but also motivates creativity, this original piece both speaks about the fragility of wealth and power, and the strength of individuals in such circumstances.
Pejac's solo show
Law of The Weakest is opening in London on July 22nd and will stay on view for only 9 days.
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